well, it's the last night at home for a month. all packed up, but a few things will go into the trailer or suv in the morning before we depart. we can't wait until tomorrow afternoon when we pull into the first campground because we'll be able to rest awhile and just veg-out! I don't know if we have forgotten anything, but i am sure there will be something left behind; not being negative, but i think it is the axiom of traveling; that you will leave something behind and it will be insignificant, except in your mind. ugh! but, we are going to have a good time on this trip, which we have been planning for a year; to go out west to see our granddaughters and other family and friends after i had retired. and it is now that time. so, it is time to finish up and get some shut-eye. nancy probably won't desire to go camping for the rest of the year after this, but i told her that if we get homesick for our camping experience, we could always just go out to the back yard and sleep in the trailer for a night or two. that'll do it; goodnight from road-trip central...