driving from grand junction to strasburg, co (30 miles east of denver) gave us a break from the dry and arid high desert and showed us the diversity from the farms and ranches to the very high rocky mountains, which were still snowcapped. the nights are getting warmer and last night nancy had to sleep with the windows open. in joking, i told her that she is now thermostatically challenged so i am composing today's blog here in strasburg, co with the air conditioning going. on our travels today we went through avon, co, but we couldn't find the avon lady anywhere (avon...ding-dong calling!), then later as we drove through hidden valley we couldn't find any ranch dressing running in the streams. what is with the truth in advertising, anyway? oh well, it was a fairly short day at only five hours driving including stops for gas and potty breaks. the rocky mountains are so majestic with the snowcapped peaks still visible and it is almost the first of june. there was a small lake along the interstate that still was frozen over at about 10,000-feet. we thought it would be cooler again, but when we parked the truck and unhitched the trailer, it was about 90ยบ. needless to say, nancy asked me to plug the trailer in to power so she could fire up the old air conditioner. well, now i have to admit that it is nice inside, so we are chillin' until tomorrow...